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Transformation from a Family Business to a Corporate Structure

The Profile

Operating in the food industry for over three decades, the client, a family-owned business, enjoys a substantial footprint in the local market offering diverse products and services focused on the food and beverage sector and the agriculture sector.

While the next generation of the family entered into leadership to implement corporate practices for sustainability against a growing competition and to enable the business to run smoothly with less direct involvement from family members, internal organizational development was evident. Moreover, the business also experienced challenges in managing the hiring process and employee retention.

While seeking HRInvest’s Talent Acquisition services, the client was made aware of our Human Capital consulting services such as: Organizational Restructuring, Rewards Benchmarking and Management, Performance Management and more that would help drive efficient people management practices.

Our Assessment

Our free of charge diagnostic review conducted with the client’s key stakeholders identified a need to develop and implement a systemized process that improves the human capital management. Amongst others, the need to develop and communicate an agile organization structure that reflects the family’s vision for the business was necessary. HR policies, clear job responsibilities, career paths and rewards in par with the market were missing.

Our Recommendation

We recommended carrying out the project in two phases: 1. Consulting and 2. Outsourcing. In Consulting we would provide the necessary Human Resources (HR) tools as the basic foundation required for a business as mature as our client’s. We would then provide an outsourced HR business partner on ground to direct and implement the new human capital processes and practices.

The first step was to begin with a facilitated Strategic Leaders Workshop to identify the shared Vision, Mission and Purpose of the business. This was followed by: devising a suitable, yet agile organization structure outlining all internal functions and positions; corresponding job descriptions; a base for performance management, as well as a job evaluation, grading and reward structure. Our recommended pay-scale was linked to performance while taking into consideration the complexity of the job, required qualifications and skills, and competitive market ranges.

Common Challenges

We recommended carrying out the project in two phases: 1. Consulting and 2. Outsourcing. In Consulting we would provide the necessary Human Resources (HR) tools as the basic foundation required for a business as mature as our client’s. We would then provide an outsourced HR business partner on ground to direct and implement the new human capital processes and practices.

The Outcome

While the implementation of solutions is ongoing having started during the Covid-19 pandemic in 2021, HRInvest successfully completed the Strategic Leadership Workshop, redesigned the Organization Structure, developed the job descriptions, Grading and Reward Structure, HR Policies and Employee Handbook and the Performance Management Scheme.

HRInvest also supported the client in providing an advisory session to identify an efficient and effective change management plan to help communicate the internal changes and developments to all internal stakeholders. The change management plan takes into consideration the company’s existing culture and internal communication practices. These solutions have helped in better communication between employees and their direct managers and helped employees understand how their role is important for the success of the business.

Client Feedback

From the Managing Director:

A common challenge faced by family businesses is evolving their systems and having a succession planning strategy that ensures continuity. It is not easy to move from a one-man show to decentralizing decision making.

We embarked in the change for two main objectives: To improve performance efficiency among employees and to reduce overhead costs by reorganizing our human structure.

However ultimately, we wanted a proper family governance where our company would continue to perform whether or not we, the family members, are involved in the day-to-day management. We want to eventually pass responsibilities to other employees so we can focus on our strategic roles.

Being a family business themselves, HRInvest meant they would understand our needs better as a family-run business. With their professional support, we have succeeded at placing the foundations for short-term successes and long-term sustainability.

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